Power Automate for Desktop:ウィンドウにある UI 要素の詳細を取得する
「ウィンドウにある UI 要素の詳細を取得する」アクションを使うと、UI要素の情報を取得することが可能です。
Extract attributes from window elements
Attribute | Description |
Acceleratorkey | The accelerator key combinations for the automation element. |
Accesskey | The access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the web server control. |
bulktext | The text of the element regardless of whether the element or its subelements are hidden or not. |
class | The class of the element. |
controltype | The control tyoe of the element. |
haskeyboardfocus | Indicates whether the element has keyboard focus |
helptext | The help text of the element. |
id | The id of the element. |
iscontentelement | Indicates whether the element is a content element. |
iscontrolelement | Indicates whether the element is a control element. |
Iskeyboardfocusable | Indicates whether the element is keyboard focusable. |
isoffscreen | Indicates whether the element is visible on the screen. |
ispassword | Indicates whether the element is a password. |
localizedcontroltype | A localized description of the control type. |
name | The name of the element. |
parentwindowhandle | The handle of the parent window. |
processid | The process ID of the parent window. |
processname | The process name of the parent window. |
windowtitle | The title of the parent window. |
Inspect などで調べた属性を指定して見るとよいでしょう。
Power Automate for Desktop: UI要素調査方法